New year goals? No, just a good bed!


A lot of people start the new year with fresh resolutions and a set of goals and for a while I did consider doing a similar entry. God knows I have enough stuff I could list e.g. Learning to be more tolerate with clients, blogging more often, redesign ect…

However I’ve decided against doing that for 2011 as I realised that I have no idea what this year holds for me both on a work and personal level so don’t want to give myself the unnecessary pressure of a set of goals to try an achieve. Instead I’m going to share with you something I would like added to my life: A Zip Bed! :p

Zip Bed Section

It’s the creation of an Italian design company Florida Furniture, who say it’s ideal for people who desire the maximum appearance of cleanliness for a minimum of work. That is to say, lazy people like me!

The blanket of the Zip Bed is ringed by a zipper and is contoured to the bed’s aerodynamic shape. And the pillows and mattress sink into the bed’s plush structure. Thusly, making up the Zip Bed in the morning becomes as simple as zipping it up.

Zip Bed

It states that cleaning the bed is easy too — the interior fabrics are easily removed and they, along with the top blanket, are washing machine safe.
Now obviously while the Zip Bed’s low maintenance qualities are a huge part of its appeal what I’m attracted by is in addition to zipping up the bed you can also zip yourself into bed, where cozy goodness awaits. Also in my opinion the Zip Bed looks frikin’ cool! Now what colour should I get..

I want to thank you guys for your support and encouragement, whether that’s been through comments, tweets or just taking the time to read my semi-regular, musing and ramblings. I wish you a very happy, healthy, and successful 2011!