My Ramblings

This is a blog about design, front-end development, WordPress and other random musings by Liam Jay

Life Template

Life is not a template!


I spent a lovely long weekend in Brighton a few days ago , hanging out with some friends and generally relaxing and having a break from work, although I did get roped into quickly fixing a WordPress theme while I was there! During one of our deep and meaningful completely random conversations, one of my… Continue Reading +

I love Twitter

I like Twitter more than Facebook!


After several years of using both of the social networking behemoths, I have decided that unlike the vast majority of people I speak with, I prefer Twitter over Facebook. Why? Because Twitter makes me feel happy! Facebook? Not nearly as much. A lot of people don’t get Twitter, just look at the amount of accounts… Continue Reading +

New Adventures in Web Design Conference 2012

A list for web designers – NaConf 2012


Compared to my other conference write-ups, (FOWA, inSites, WDC2011), where I basically just wrote up who spoke and what the talks were about, I’ve decided to do something a little different for my write up of the New Adventure in Web Design Conference 2012 (NaConf). Why? Well for a few reasons. One, that I felt… Continue Reading +

Is the future of social networking?

The future of social network integration in websites


As a web designer/developer, one of the most common things I get asked to do during web projects is to integrate social networking platforms (Facebook, Twitter ect..) into a websites design and build. At some points it almost seems like it’s the new web 2.0 trend all over again, as even websites for your pet… Continue Reading +

Goslings - 2011

2011 in a list!


A lot of people use the start of a new year to make resolutions and set themselves fresh goals to try and achieve, but I want to take a little time to look back at what I did during 2011 as last year was a relatively big one for me personally! Now I know some… Continue Reading +

2011 Web Summery

A yearly look back: Web Design 2011


Before 2011 is a distant memory I want to take a little time to look back and see how far the web design industry has come, for me it’s been a hectic year combining working on loads of different things and getting the chance to be part of some new and interesting projects that have… Continue Reading +

Pistol Annies - Hell on Heels

My top five albums of 2011


Music plays a big part in my life, and also with my bank balance, whether that’s going to gigs or simply downloading more albums than is good for me! I also have quite an eclectic taste and as such, I frequently subject (they might say “audibly rape”) the guys I work with to anything from… Continue Reading +

Bristol's Christmas Steps

How do you do your Christmas shopping?


OMG it’s December 24th and I’ve still not finished/started my Christmas shopping!! That has been the experience of how Christmas shopping has gone for me in years gone past! However the ever increase of online shops has seen me progressively getting better and better at this present buying malarkey, to such an extent that I… Continue Reading +