My Ramblings

This is a blog about design, front-end development, WordPress and other random musings by Liam Jay

Graphic Designer - Paul Rand

Why Design is a service NOT a hobby!


I realise that I, and hopefully other web designers, are almost certainly in the minority of workers that can say say “I like my job” but I’d like to point out one thing (that to me at least) is really obvious, we might be artsy, alternative, creative, and a few other words that fit into… Continue Reading +

Gamers vs Non-Gamers

Gaming – or why I waste my time!


I’ve been a console gamer ever since I first encountered my friends Sega Megadrive, although it wasn’t until my dad got me and my sister a PS1 that I truly got into gaming! Some of my friends are gamers and some are not, and a comment I often hear from the “non-gamers” after a conversation… Continue Reading +

Liam Jay and Rod Love - Tour of Wessex

Tour of Wessex 2011 – Conclusion


As anyone who has read my previous post will know, last weekend myself and 2 others attempted to complete all 3 stages of the tour of Wessex and despite one member pulling out after the first day with an injury I’m please to announce that the rest of us struggled on and made it over… Continue Reading +

Cheddar gorge

The Tour of Wessex


On the 28th – 30th May 2011 Myself (Liam Jay), Joel Campbell and Rod Love will be taking part in a challenging cycling event called the Tour of Wessex, which covers 329 miles in 3 days. As if a one-day ride was just not enough of a challenge, the three-day Tour of Wessex offers the… Continue Reading +

portfolio work

The site is redesigned


After two and a half years, I finally redesigned I launched the original site way back in October 2007, with an updated design in late 2008 and haven’t made any changes since then. Over the Christmas holidays I felt that it was about time to put the previous design in retirement. It is sad… Continue Reading +

Read this blog post

Design it your way…


Recently I was reminded of something that constantly bugged me while at college and uni. My design lectures would constantly be trying to get all the students to follow a design process, e.g. how you should start any design with brainstorming, then sketch some rough ideas before moving the ideas onto a computer and so… Continue Reading +

Apple Fans

Fan (alternative) advertising!


Sometime writing an publishing a blog entry can feel slightly weird. I mean it’s pretty weird that I can write stuff in a little box whilst eating lunch and a bit later all of you will be reading it. I know that there’s not loads of you but it can still feel a tiny bit… Continue Reading +