
Pages (33)  

   1.  Home
   2.  My Ramblings
   3.  Neat Books Logo
   4.  Bristol City Lets Logo
   5.  Preserve (Jam) Labels
   6.  Bristol Access to Music
   7.  Uncharted Anniversary Logo
   8.  About Me
   9.  Get In Touch
   10.  My Work
   11.  Branding and Identity
   12.  Print Design
   13.  Web Design
   14.  Sitemap
   15.  Acorn and Wool Logo
   16.  Drop Cap Letter “S”
   17.  Historical Reenactment Costumes
   18.  Gung-Ho Poster
   19.  Style Guide
   20.  Archives
   21.  User Experience Design
   22.  Responsive Design
   23.  Visual Design
   24.  User Research
   25.  Front-end Development
   26.  Logo and Branding Design
   27.  Print Design
   28.  Website Development
   29.  Radminton Badminton Club
   30.  Graphic Design Alumni Exhibition
   31.  Sarah Prosser
   32.  Willett Tippett & Co
   33.  Offline
Posts (81)  
   1.  How to make external links user-friendly and accessible
   2.  The difference with WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL in WordPress
   3.  Featured Products Loop in WooCommerce 3
   4.  Self-signed certificates for SSL on MAMP
   5.  GDPR Compliant Contact Form
   6.  CSS is not easy
   7.  CSS Tip – Selecting the last (odd numbered) item in a list of varying length
   8.  KISS your workflow
   9.  Good File Structure For Design Visuals
   10.  Vertical dividers on horizontal List
   11.  A forlorn farewell to the iPod Classic
   12.  Adding a share link to Facebook without using JavaScript
   13.  Why I think Gearbox Software Flippin’ Rock!
   14.  Solving an issue involving Grunt and the Sass cache
   15.  Sublime Text 3 – wrapping selection in tag shortcut
   16.  Something you didn’t know about CAPTCHA
   17.  And so it ends!
   18.  My favourite games from this generation
   19.  Trick or Treacle packaging design
   20.  28 Things in 28 Years
   21.  What Game of Thrones can teach us about being unpredictable
   22.  Design can be boring!
   23.  2013 has been a good year for music… so far
   24.  Paris Roubaix Challenge – The Conclusion
   25.  Paris Roubaix Challenge!
   26.  Ark at ee! Or, why I’m now based in Bristol
   27.  The Negative Web
   28.  Your ass is so big because it’s filled with lame excuses.
   29.  Getting your site URL in WordPress
   30.  How to Update SASS (SCSS)
   31.  All about HEX
   32.  27 things I’ve learnt in 27 years
   33.  Just 5 Minutes More!
   34.  Make Font Sizing with REM easy with SCSS or LESS
   35.  Ampersand 2012 – A Conference About Web Typography And Hinting Madness
   36.  Thing I learnt while making
   37.  How to Obfuscate Email Addresses
   38.  Put it on the homepage!
   39.  Why Photoshop CS6 is going to rock my ‘web designer’ socks off…hopefully!
   40.  The Endura Lionheart Sportive 2012
   41.  Life is not a template!
   42.  I like Twitter more than Facebook!
   43.  A list for web designers – NaConf 2012
   44.  The future of social network integration in websites
   45.  2011 in a list!
   46.  A yearly look back: Web Design 2011
   47.  My top five albums of 2011
   48.  How do you do your Christmas shopping?
   49.  Like vs Hate!
   50.  WDC2011
   51.  FOWA – London 2011
   52.  GOLF – Gentleman Only Ladies Forbidden – (Moving studio)
   53.  Setting a fallback on Links
   54.  Things that helped me get a design job after graduating from university!
   55.  Insites Tour – Bristol
   56.  Invasion of the (Facebook) killer circles (Google+)!
   57.  Why Design is a service NOT a hobby!
   58.  Gaming – or why I waste my time!
   59.  Tour of Wessex 2011 – Conclusion
   60.  The Tour of Wessex
   61.  New personal Logo – Design with a smile
   62.  The site is redesigned
   63.  Design it your way…
   64.  Fan (alternative) advertising!
   65.  New year goals? No, just a good bed!
   66.  Does being Left handed make it harder to be a graphic designer?
   67.  I love typography but…
   68.  UNCHARTED 2 One Year Anniversary Logo
   69.  Drop Cap letter “L” – 8 Faces Competition
   70.  Do you look like a graphic designer?
   71.  Graphic Design and Country Music
   72.  Win Adobe CS5 Premium!
   73.  No Pain, No Gain!
   74.  iMac steampunk mod!
   75.  What is Graphic Design?
   76.  Free WiFi in Bristol
   77.  Vet Nursing =
   78.  My Little Pony but not as you remember!!
   79.  Protecting Your Saved FTP Sites (Coda/Transmit)
   80.   Why risk using cut price design?
   81.  Hello world!

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