Posts Tagged: tips

How to make external links user-friendly and accessible


Have you ever thought about how to make external links user-friendly and accessible? Hyperlinks serve as the web’s connective tissue, ubiquitously woven into the fabric of online content. Their pervasive nature means that the design and operational aspects of hyperlinks, particularly external ones, typically escape our attention. Yet, as we delve deeper, we uncover the… Continue Reading +

wp_home vs wp_siteurl in WordPress

The difference with WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL in WordPress


A brief explanation on the difference between WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL in WordPress If you’ve done any development work with WordPress then you’ve probably noticed two similar looking rows in the database. Specifically WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL. These two have always confused me. To set the URL of your site you need to use the WP_HOME constant,… Continue Reading +

How to set a featured product loop in WooCommerce 3

Featured Products Loop in WooCommerce 3


If you’ve ever needed to display featured products through a custom loop in WooCommerce on one of your custom template pages, this snippet of code is what I’ve been using for WooCommerce 3 and above. You’ll need to wrap this in a list element possibly with a class of “products” depending on your css. <?php… Continue Reading +

Final Final Final Final PSD

Good File Structure For Design Visuals


A couple of days ago, I saw the above image by Yash Bhardwaj who created this humorous little illustration showing what everyone who has ever worked on a design project will have experienced at one time or another. I know as I used to be guilty of doing the same thing, and I figured there… Continue Reading +

Vertical Dividers On Horizontal List Items

Vertical dividers on horizontal List


I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve had to create a horizontal navigation menu with vertical dividers between the list items. The ones where the end result should look something like this: Item 1 | Item 2 | Item 3 | Item 4 | Item 5 I’ve tried many different ways of achieving… Continue Reading +

Sharing on Facebook without Javascript

Adding a share link to Facebook without using JavaScript


Recently I had to add a Facebook sharing link into a webpage where Javascript was not available, and I wasn’t sure if it was possible. After some researching I discovered that it was indeed possible if all you need is the basic functionality, and really, why would you want to overcomplicate things? The following method… Continue Reading +

Captcha Example

Something you didn’t know about CAPTCHA


You know those annoying boxes that make you enter a few words into a box before you can continue submitting a comment/downloading a file/some other action, they’re called CAPTCHA or Completely Automated Public Turing tests to tell Computers and Humans Apart. Their main purpose is to help in preventing spam, but there’s another bonus reason… Continue Reading +

Breaking the grid

What Game of Thrones can teach us about being unpredictable


I know I’m late to the party with this, but I finally watched THAT Game of Thrones episode the other night, and despite half expecting something shocking due to having heard loads of people talk about something dramatic happening in the third season, I still wasn’t fully prepared for what unfolded! SPOILER ALERT! I like… Continue Reading +